Vision Statement

The Jericho Projects exists to glorify and magnify Jesus alone, share the Gospel message through music, and unite the Body of Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit in submission to His Word.

TJP Core Values

There is one true God, who exists eternally in three persons — Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All of whom are co-equal and co-eternal, existing in perfect relationship eternally. Jesus Christ is God the Son, the living Word, who was clothed in flesh through His miraculous conception by the Holy Spirit and virgin birth. He is perfectly God and wholly human, united in one person eternally. He lived a sinless life and willingly atoned for human sin by dying on the cross as our substitute. This was the greatest act of mercy and righteousness; satisfying divine justice and completing the work of salvation for all who trust in Him alone.

He physically rose from the dead in the same nail pierced body that He lived and died in, (but in a glorified state). He ascended bodily into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God the Father. He is the one and only mediator between God and humanity, and continually intercedes for His people. Adam and Eve were originally created sinless, in the image of God. They sinned by rejecting God’s command; in this, they were alienated from their Creator. This act created a separation, in all descendants of Adam and Eve, between Yahweh and His image bearers. Human nature is intertwined with sin. As a result, all people are unable to atone for their sin or attain salvation through even the most honorable works. Everyone is in need of regeneration and renewal by the Holy Spirit, being born again.

Salvation is completely a work of Yahweh. It is His grace that saves. It is not the work, in whole or even partially, of human effort or goodness or religious ceremony. God places His righteousness on all those who put their faith and confidence in Christ alone for their salvation. Through this we are justified in the sight of God, the outflow of which is good works. We are assured of our salvation by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit from the very moment in which we trust Christ as our Savior. This confidence is not constructed on the basis of merit but is produced by the witness of the Holy Spirit. Who confirms in the believer the testimony and truth of God through His written Word.

The Holy Spirit is presently active and exists in the world to reveal and bring glory to Christ. It is through Him that the saving work of Christ is brought to and worked out in individuals. He convicts and draws sinners to Christ, gives new life to those in Christ, and continually dwells within them from the moment of being born again and seals them until the day of redemption. His fullness, power and fruits are appropriated in the believer’s life by faith. The Holy Spirit has not ceased to manifest His gifts, but demonstrates them wholly to bring glory to God; operating in accordance with the Word of God to point the nations to Christ. The Word of God is Holy and inerrant. It is not made void by shifts in culture, opinion, or time. From end to end it is the inspired Word of God, expressing God’s character and nature throughout.